Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Temporarily white

It actually snowed here last night. It was so beautiful watching it come down, with the grass covered in a thin blanket and the rooftops all white. I went to the office for a couple hours and when I came back Kevin was sitting in the front yard having just finished a snow angel. He had also made a family of snowmen and two snow dogs. This was around 9:30pm so it was a little dark out but we could still see it and enjoy it! When Darrell got home around 10pm he took Kevin out and took some pictures. I'll put them up when they are downloaded. Of course, being Texas, the snow is almost gone already. It is supposed to be in the 50's today. As pretty as it can be, I'm so glad it's only for a brief moment in time. Gotta love these Texas winters!!!! Bring on the heat, baby!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

How fun. I wish we could have gotten that much. I will post my snow pics. We hardly got any but Porter made the best of it. His snowman was about six inches tall.